Monday, February 16, 2009

Cross-centered books

The reason the Apostle John gives for writing his account of the good news of Jesus Christ is "so so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name" (John 20:31). Therefore, we should read "John," as well as the rest of the Bible, to learn what to believe about who Jesus is and what he has done for us in the cross.

Since Jesus did many things John did not record, there remains the possibility and honor to humbly supplement John's effort to reveal Jesus Christ. And while the world could not contain all the books that could be written in an effort to exhaustively mine (John 21:25) the "treasures of wisdom and knowledge" in Christ (Colossians 2:3), many books have been written since John that have pushed their readers farther up and further toward the Kingdom of God, and there remains the opportunity to fill the world with such writings.

In his effort to continue great conversation of the Kingdom of God, C.J. Mahaney, president of Sovereign Grace Ministries whose mission is to establish and support local churches, has submitted "Living the Cross Centered Life: Keeping the Gospel the Main Thing" for God to sovereignly use for his glory and our good. Mahaney also answers the question “What books on the cross of Christ have affected you the most?” by providing an annotated list of four cross-centered books:

  1. The Cross of Christ by John R.W. Stott
  2. The Cross and Christian Ministry by D.A. Carson
  3. Pierced for Our Transgressions: Rediscovering the Glory of Penal Substitution by Steve Jeffery, Michael Ovey, and Andrew Sach
  4. In My Place Condemned He Stood: Celebrating the Glory of the Atonement by J.I. Packer and Mark Dever

Along with Mahaney's recommendations above, here are several other recently published Christ-centered books worth reading:

May we labor in the Bible and lesser books to learn and love Christ more than anything else on earth – including our paper and electronic books – and may our beliefs bear fruit according to the truth as it is in Jesus.

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