Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sam Storms: Killing Sin with Christian Hedonism

Sam Storms in a message titled "The Practical Sin-Killing Power of Christian Hedonism" gave five ways for pastors to work for their own joy and the joy of their people.

1. Weave into the spiritual and intellectual fabric of your people the awareness that God's designs in the moral commandments of Scripture are to expand their capacity to enjoy him and not to inhibit it. (See Jonathan Edwards' sermon "Christian Happiness.")

2. Preach often on the bigness and the beauty of God.

3. Labor to turn their eyes from the pathetic, little, transient pleasures of what can be seen and felt and tasted to the grand and eternal pleasures of the glory that is to come.

4. Build into the mental, emotional, and theological framework of your people an understanding of how suffering serves joy. (For a good resource, direct your people to Matt Chandler's videos about the brain cancer he is facing.)

5. Be an example to them of joy in your own life and relationship with God.

(HT: Desiring God)

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