Saturday, July 24, 2010

Christianity is for imperfect people

"People who want a religion that will merely affirm them will find Christianity disappointing. Christianity is about repentance. Now, if you believe you have never sinned, you may believe that you don’t need to repent. If you do have sins to repent of, then Christianity is for you. Christianity is the religion for sinners. Every other religion on the planet will explain everything you must do to make yourself right with God. Christianity alone will explain that you have already failed; that, though majestically made in God’s image, you have selfishly turned in on yourself and rebelled against him; and that your only hope lies in acknowledging your sin and crying out to God to forgive you for Christ’s sake. Friend, according to the Bible, there has been only one person who had no sin to repent of. There has been only one on whom God’s justice had no claim. At the same time, there has been only one who bore the punishment for the sin of whoever would repent and turn to him."

(Mark Dever, "The Message of the Old Testament: Promises Made," pages 209-210)

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