Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Think to become a better lover

Think about getting John Piper's new book Think: The Life of the Mind and the Love of God, which is currently available in Kindle format or at Desiring God, and then get it and read it. May the book encourage all who read it become better lovers of God and other people.

Here's the publisher's (Crossway) description:

John Piper’s newest book will help Christians think about thinking. Focusing on the life of the mind helps us to know God better, love him more, and care for the world. Along with an emphasis on emotions and the experience of God, we also need to practice careful thinking about God. Piper contends that “thinking is indispensable on the path to passion for God.” So how are we to maintain a healthy balance of mind and heart, thinking and feeling?

Piper urges us to think for the glory of God. He demonstrates from Scripture that glorifying God with our minds and hearts is not either-or, but both-and. Thinking carefully about God fuels passion and affections for God. Likewise, Christ-exalting emotion leads to disciplined thinking.

Readers will be reminded that “the mind serves to know the truth that fuels the fires of the heart.”

Download a PDF file that contains the contents page, foreword, introduction, and chapter 1.

Here's a trailer for the book:

Piper's aim for the book: I'm trying to raise the question for the average person in school, in the pew, or in life anywhere as to "Why do I have a mind? Why do I have a brain? How does my mind relate to my emotions? How does my mind relate to loving God and loving people? I don't think thinking is the end of life. I think loving, delighting, enjoying, relating to God, especially with others for his sake, is the end of life and that thinking serves that. So I really have a pretty holistic purpose for the book in all those avenues, and my end goal is that we would love God through thinking well about the world and about the Bible that he's given us. The whole aim is not to make us thinkers. The aim is to use thinking biblically to make us lovers.

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