Sunday, April 26, 2009

Are we really supposed to rest?

How Are We to Keep the Sabbath in Today's Society? Ligonier Ministries

R.C. Sproul:

Within the Christian church there are three leading options for answering (the question about keeping the Sabbath). Some Christians believe that the Sabbath was an Old Testament ordinance and has no application to the New Testament church. ...

For the most part, Christian people, while they may disagree as to what day is the Sabbath--the sixth or the seventh day and all that--and how we observe it, still maintain that the Sabbath is to be observed somehow in the Christian community. ...

This group of Christians who believe the Sabbath should be observed actually splits into two groups. One holds what we call the Continental view: Recreation is permitted on the Sabbath. The other holds the Puritan view: Recreation is forbidden on the Sabbath. I take the position that recreation is a legitimate form of rest on the Sabbath.

Read the entire article here.

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