Thursday, April 23, 2009

How can bloggers steward the teaching of the young, old, and the dead?

Tony Reinke offers some sound advice on blog stewardship.

His concluding advice:


So you may be asking: Where do I go from here? Three steps.

1. Identify your passions. What do you love to do, love to read, love to talk about? These are your passions. Blog about them.

2. Research. Sink yourself in books, sermons, lectures, websites, blogs, magazines, journals—whatever will educate you about your passions. The deeper you go, the more effective your stewardship. Become a disciplined reader. If you are not a disciplined reader, you will likely not go deep, and you will not blog very long or very well. Discipline yourself and research deeply.

3. Share. In your research, identify content that you find most helpful and share it. Develop creative ways to communicate and share content online. [Undeveloped theme: Cross platform conversions of content].

If you do this well, you will not need to find an audience—they will find you.
Identify your passions, research, and share. This is to contribute as a “blog steward.”

Read his entire post here.

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