Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Gospel Coalition according to Tim Challies

Tim Challies attended The Gospel Coalition Conference to "primarily to discover what The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is and why you and I should care about it."

He writes about why The Gospel Coalition exists, clarifies what it is and is not, and discusses its theological foundation.

His last two graphs:

So TGC exists, at least in part, to create and to foster a network of Christians (and a network of networks of Christians) who are committed to the gospel and are committed to working with other believers to further the gospel. They seek to do this on a regional level, a national level and even an international level.

And now I have a few more i’s to dot and a few more t’s to cross. In my next article I will tell you about how you, no matter who you are (Christian or not, Reformed or not, Pastor or not, etc, etc) can participate and whether or not, at least as far as I can determine, you should participate.

Read his entire post here.

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