Thursday, February 17, 2011

Preaching Christ from the Old Testament

The Gospel Coalition's "Preaching Christ in the Old Testament" looks like a helpful resource. It currently lists such recommended resources as workshops, interviews, books, articles, and preaching examples.

Here's an overview of the site:

When Christians understand all the scriptures as God’s Word for them, their eyes open to the incomparable beauty of the divine character. God loves us, despite how we persistently rebel against him. God stands over and against us in judgment, yet he pursues us. He has shown us the way to live in the world he graciously created, even as we ignore his perfect law. And from the beginning of all things he planned to take on flesh and dwell among us, faithfully pursuing his unfaithful servants, even unto death on the cross, so that in this death we might find eternal life.

Sadly, too many Christians jump into this story midstream. They know bits and pieces of the Old Testament—how God created the heavens and the earth, what rules he wants us to follow, how he worked through faithful believers to inflict justice on enemies. But they often fail to see how it all fits together as one story of grace from first to last, featuring God’s ultimate act of salvation in Jesus Christ. This project seeks to equip teachers so they can acquaint Christians with this story, beginning with the Old Testament. Whether you preach regularly, lead a small group, or simply want to learn more about the Bible, you’ll find resources here that will unveil the beauty of this story.

(HT: 9Marks Blog)

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