Monday, February 21, 2011

Revelation in one sentence

"Can you understand the Book of Revelation? Yes, you can. You can summarize its message in one sentence: God rules history and will bring it to its consummation in Christ. Read it with this main point in mind, and you will understand. You will not necessarily understand every detail—neither do I. But it is not necessary to understand every detail in order to profit spiritually." — Vern Poythress, The Returning King: A Guide to the Book of Revelation, page 11)

Poythress posted most of his 213-page Revelation commentary online in the form of seven Web pages, the first of which (here) has a linked table of contents. His book "is an expansion of study notes that (he) originally wrote for the New Geneva Study Bible," which was later revised and renamed the Reformation Study Bible.

Poythress clearly communicates his interpretive conviction concerning Revelation (idealist/recapitulationist/amillennialist) while also demonstrating an appreciation for other positions. Even if one does not agree with the interpretive framework of the book, it is a good place to start after reading and thinking about the book of Revelation (and the rest of the Bible) more than once.

Other free online books by Poythress may be found here.

(HT: Joshua Harris, emphasis mine)

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