Bagster's Daily Light - September 1 - Morning
The fruit of the Spirit is ... meekness.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 1
The meek shall obtain fresh joy in the LORD, and the poor among mankind shall exult in the Holy One of Israel. 2
and said, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 3
but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious. 4
Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant 5
But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. 6
Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 7
He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth. 8
For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps. He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly. 9
1. Gal 5:22,23;
2. Isa 29:19;
3. Matt 18:3,4;
4. 1 Pet 3:4;
5. 1 Cor 13:4;
6. 1 Tim 6:11;
7. Matt 11:29;
8. Isa 53:7;
9. 1 Pet 2:21-23
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