Friday, January 7, 2011

The two sides of judgmentalism

Someone I met today said he was told by a church leader that any man who is going to teach in the church should wear a tie. While I may not agree with that requirement, I need to be on guard of being judgmental about such a requirement.

Andy Naselli, who quotes from Jerry Bridge's book Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate, gets to the heart of the matter in a post about the two sides of the the judgmentalism coin.

He states that "the point of [his] post is not to debate disputed positions; it’s about our disposition. It’s not about who’s right and who’s wrong; it’s about applying the gospel to our sinfully critical spirits and condemning attitudes. We might think of judgmental people as those with 'stricter' standards, but people with 'looser' standards can be judgmental, too. Whatever our views may be on disputed issues like the ones below, we can be guilty of judgmentalism. Jesus died for that sin."

Quoting from chapter 17 of Bridge's book, Naselli lists three examples or areas in which Christians can be judgmental: 1) clothing, 2) music, and 3) alcohol.

Read his entire post here.

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